Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why call yourselves progressives when your ideas are not new nor do they move us forward.

Every time I hear someone call themselves progressive I die a little on the inside. How can you take 300 plus year old ideas apply them to modern times and call yourself progressive? Do you think it makes you sound intellectual? Socialism is not new. The term was first coined in France in 1827 by Pierre Leroux. Not only is it an old idea but its also been time tested to not work. It gives no incentives to the working class and gives unfair advantage to the welfare class, essentially turning what would be a thriving community into a welfare state. Do you know whats it called when someone tries the same idea over and over again expecting a different outcome? Insane.

Theres much better ways of dealing with the crisis of todays healthcare.
A. Tort reform
This would decrease the cost of malpractice insurance on Doctors which would in turn reduce over head which in turn would reduce the cost to the consumer. This would also factor into lesser premiums to insurance providers because their price of business would also be reduced.
B. Competetion
Allow out of state insurance carriers to provide insurance on a national level. Where theres competition theres lower prices.
C. Take away the right to healthcare to non-citizens. This is a major problem but dont take my word for it. Heres the proof.Rising health care costs put focus on illegal immigrants ...

We as Americans have payed taxes all of our adult life. I cant understand why we are willing to throw away our future for people who have little respect for our laws, borders and take advantage of a system in place to make sure we take care of our own in times of need.

At some point in time we have to stand up and say no more. No more spending on special interests. No more pandering to small groups of people looking for a payday. We have to start making the politicians responsible for what they put into law and for the way they think. This is our country. Government controlled by the masses not by the so called elite few who think they know best. The best way to show you how the politicians feel about us is by showing you this. Baron Hill (IN-09): This Is My Town Hall Meeting. ...


  1. And now there going to try again to allow the NON-CITIZEN to have Social Security too. WTF is up with that, they dont pay into the SS system to begin with.

    That will just add to the cost of our taxes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Also, we should roll back the HMO system, which, created by Congress in 1970-71, created the bureaucracy you see when you go to the doctor, as well as contributed to higher prices. The same goes for the Medicare/Medicaid system. Any area that government touches heavily is more quickly affected by inflationary price increases.

    As far as the welfare state giving unfair advantages, I agree, but there's also the other side of the sword. Welfare-ism combined with central banking means that the government prints fiat money to meet these people's needs, thus violently increasing the money supply, leading to price increases on the very things government wants to assist them with. Dr. Paul addressed this in an interview yesterday:

