Thursday, September 17, 2009

Enemy of the state?

With so much drama around this President I'm surprised that no one is putting all these things together, after all if it was a Republican in office it would be a vast right wing conspiracy to destroy America. People have no idea whats really going on cause they are to busy tending to their mundane entertainments to stop and read up on whats important, the survival of this country. President Obama promised he would make friends where we previously did not, but what he didnt say is it would be at the cost of friendship to others. Poland and the Czech republic stuff their necks put a bulls eye on their heads by allowing us to put this missle defense infrastructure in their countries and now this president pulls the carpet out from under them.Obama's Missile Offense.
This defense system was supposed to be an early warning system in case Iran or other countries with nuclear capabilities launched. There goes more weaking of American military prowess.
All because he wants to make friends with a country we have been on shaky ground with for the last 70 years. Its not gonna happen. It doesnt start or stop there. Now I'm not one to support foreign trade but you dont mess with the bull without getting the horns.China Condemns U.S. Tariffs on Tires as 'Protectionism ....
This is just dumb considering that China holds almost a trillion dollars of our national debt in the form of Tresury bonds. This means that if China wanted to, they could bankrupt our treasury by cashing in these bonds.

This is serious business. Making enemies with people that you owe money to is not a good idea, especially when its China. Do you really think Russia will stay with this fake friendship once China applies a little pressure with the world largest military force?

Thats not the end of it. Israel, which we have been on good terms with for a long time, has had a real rocky start with this new President.Has Obama Turned on Israel? -
Obama Is Pushing Israel Toward War -

Is this the way we are gonna start treating friends that wouldve stood with us til the bitter end? If so, then this administration is foolish. Israel is one of the very few democratically driven states in the middle east, because of that and anti semitism almost every country around them want them dead. Abandon these people and you will be responsible if they are attacked by the Muslim countries.

Now, moving on to whats going on internally.

War is war and sadly we are kinda stuck in one but what makes it worse is when our men and women die unnecessarily because of new rules laid out by this administration that left them with no one to back them up when they needed it most.

Obama's Rules Of Engagement In Afghanistan Costing Our Troops Lives

Im not making these things up, you can't. God bless the families of those that have been lost in this war.


My dad always told me birds of a feather flock together. Obama loves his community organizers. doesnt he? lol until they make him look bad.

ACORN scandal explodes, organization suspends operations
These are the people that have been caught in several less than honest situations ranging from voter fraud to the latest scandal. These were Obama's right hand people. They received large ammounts of Federal funding until all their pocketed politicians had to cut ties and run from them to keep from being drug under the tide of scandals Acorn has commited in recent months.

Racist and anti-American.

I know the majority of people that will read this and agree will more than likely be Church attending folks. So, on that note let me ask this, if your minister said things you disagreed with on a regular basis and these were the things instilled in the members of this church, would you attend that Church?
Of course not.Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11 - ABC News
Is this the kind of Church our President should attend? is this the beliefs that Americans voted for? This pastor preaches hate and disdain against the whites in this country, openly in his pulpit.YouTube - Jeremiah Wright (Barack Obama's Mentor) - Hillary ...

Did he lie about health care?

Of course he did and most of America knows it. Thats why they dont support it. It will increase our spending and deficit. It will increase taxes, On EVERYONE. It will take away your right to manage your own health care. It will ban private insurance companies. It will be given to illegal immigrants. It will ration health care services. AND It will cost people their lives cause they will be waiting in lines for months at a time. Dont take my word for it, just look at Canada. This is how they are doing their health care and Canadians come to America to get health care at times cause they cant get it there.Obama's health plan is no bargain: 4 reasons why - Jun. 11, 2009

You'll lose 5 key freedoms under Obama's health care plan

There it is spelled out, plain and simple.

It has nothing to do with racist reasons, I plain and simple dont like his policies and it seems more and more Americans are waking up to these facts. I sincerly hope that we can turn these problems around cause if we dont our kids will have to pay for it or we may see this great nation that so many of us love fall because of mis-management, and corruption.


  1. I like what you say here Mr. Not So Gentle Southerner, you have driven the nail home in one hit. The people of these United States of America are finally starting to realize that what is at hand is the loss of our freedom, the lose of our culture, and the loss of all things that has made the USA what was before the Clinton administration hit office. That is when the really large changes started, but no one is willing to go back and look at the beginning. Then admit that the changes are there staring you in the face. It is not till now that the people are starting to see the changes in our nation for the worst and it has nothing out right nothing to do with racialism. It is out and out bad politics for the USA. The sooner we can get the people that are in office out of office and get the people in office that are standing in the marches and standing up for America into the offices of the government the sooner all of this will stop, and the first thing that should happen is the reinstatement of the outlawing of taxes to the lower and middle classes. Also the Fed needs t be abolished not just audited but out and out abolished, if an executive order can put them in place then an executive order can take them out of the entire picture completely.

    Once this is done then the America we know and love will return.

  2. With regard to the missile defense system and our foreign policy in general, we ought to leave Europe to its own devices. For too long, we have maintained a military presence in Germany, and to what end? The same goes for other parts of the world as well--Korea and Japan for example. By asserting this umbrella of supposed protection on other parts of the world, we maintain a pointless, inefficient empire. Being in the backyard of every country we don't trust is bad foreign policy. They object, just as we would object if the Soviets had set up shop in Mexico. Good foreign policy is having open communications and trade with other nations, even those who don't share our ideas, because the American experiment has a way of permeating the minds of men, and making them clamor for the benefits of a free society. We used to be the city on the hill, a beacon to the rest of the world--a shining example of what free men could do when fascism, oligarchy, and monarchy could not.

    "America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is the well-wisher to freedom and independence of all. She is the champion and vindicator only of her own." --John Quincy Adams

  3. Ron Paul wrote a piece about the tariff on Chinese tires:

    From the column: "One has to wonder why this course of action is being undertaken if the administration really believes its own statements about economic recovery. Why are they still trying to fix something they have supposedly already fixed? The most troubling thing is the rhetoric about free trade given to justify this. The administration claims it is merely enforcing trade policies and that this is necessary for free trade. This sort of double speak demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of free trade, economics and world history. Yet these are the same people the country trusts to solve our problems."
