Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who moved the rock? Its not the man, its his policies.

This is in response to
Another so called progressive, Jimmy Carter has decided that he would do what all progressive do best and take us back in time. When is this guy gonna wake up and realize this isn't the 60s and 70s anymore? Just cause people don't agree with you or they live in the south does not make them racist and if you beleive that way then your commiting your gravest of liberal sins, your profiling. We dont need a hack has been ex president( the worst in history in my opinion) running around hate monger and creating division within our great society and for what, cause we dont agree with your excess spending and your socialist ideas of how this country should be run. I say shame on you for over shadowing our first ammendment right to say what we please about this President and his ludacris policy. I for one, am sick of seeing these ex presidents running around the world parading as Unoffficial Ambassadors for the U.S. Give it up, your not President anymore.
Another thing, as Americans are we forgetting who helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
It wasn't the democrats. Almost 40% of dems opposed the bill compared to 20% of republicans. So, how has the dems become the party of the minorities when they worked so hard in the 60s to kill civil rights? Has things changed that much? Not really. Now the Dems arent just bashing minorities. Now they think your not smart enough or good enough to do what they think needs to be done so we are gonna force it on you. Good luck on that. People are waking up and if you force these changes you may be in for a rude awakening. Andrew Jackson beleived that revolution and reform was almost mandatory for the survival of this republic.
In closing I leave you with this, stand up and say no to the current Presidents health care plan. It will cover illegal immigrants and thats the truth, Thank you Joe Wilson, you shouldn't have appologized. It will balloon the deficit. It will restrict the rights of people to manage their own health care (You'll lose 5 key freedoms under Obama's health care plan).
If we allow any of these so called reforms to take place it will just set up a landslide of legislation later on that will complete the process of turning health care into a Government run socialist fiasco.

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