Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The things we celebrate as Americans!

So, I was channel surfing and ended up on Mtv, which is something I dont do often, and was amazed at what the Mtv culture has embraced and celebrated. Now I understand i should be accepting of certain things but i refuse to watch these people celbrate it. I watched briefly, the struggle between 3 homosexual men in a "polyamourous" relationship and was honestly sickened by the whole mess. Not only that but hearing people on the VMA awards talk about Lady GaGa and her lifestyle like it was something great and grand. These people look confused, silly and desperate for attention and acceptance. You wont find it here and you certainly wont see me celebrating it. You know it wouldnt be so bad if it was a show or 2 but for hours on end its the same old thing of Mtv kissing up to the homosexual community. This brings me to my next point. Every homosexual guy wants you to beleive that they can be in a commited monogamous relationship, that they arent promiscuous but how can I see that when all they show of their sexuality is the exact opposite and do it very openly.

Heres an idea. If you want the rest of us to accept you and your lifestyle, how bout you show the more moderate side of your culture rather than showing the abosolute most extreme areas of it.

Stop making your sexuality the only thing that defines you. If your sexuality is the only thing that makes you unique then your shallow. We as heteros dont walk around going "Im straight isnt it great" and flaunting our sexual relationships for all to see.

Stop asking for Marriage. Marriage, as a state matter, is a union set up to provide stable foundation for a child rearing family and as far as legal matters are concerned, you can have the same rights as married couples, guardianship, rights to healthcare matters, and sharing monetary matters. Religiously its something thats not accepted in any religion.

Its indoctrination. Its preparing young people for the next step in this sick evolution. Its the numbing of America to its sick underbelly.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Lets take a step back in time.

You know, I'm amazed at the political crap thats spewing out of the lefts mouth these days. Charges of racism and hatred. Charges of some unseen personal vendetta that conservatives have for President Obama. The outburst by Joe Wilson made me think back to times of seeing the disrespect and flat out lies that the left spewed forth in the Liberal media about Former President Bush . With all the waste of time in Congress to milk the Joe Wilson bit for all its worth and waste my hard earned tax dollars. Whats the difference here? Joe heckeled your guy, the entire Democrat side of the aisle Boo'd and heckled bush on not 1 but 2 occasions. Once in 2004 in his state of the union address when he called for renewal of the patriot act and then again in 2005 when he spoke to a joint session of congress about the crisis with Social security(which is still in crisis).
Oh, and who could forget the incident with Dem. Rep. Pete stark oc california calling Bush a liar not once but twice and saying Bush was amused with seeing our soldiers have their heads blown off. If you dont beleive the hipocrisy on capital just take a look at this!

Hypocrisy Alert: Dem Rep. Pete Stark Called Bush Liar On House Floor... Twice (Video)

Now, what did the congress do about that. They voted against a call for censurship of Mr. stark.
Why wasnt there a call for every democrat to be punished in 2005 like they did Joe wilson. My opinion is, the republicans normally take the heat gracefully and face those accusations. The Democrats are like 5 year olds who stand around pointing fingers yelling "He made fun of me and called me names". Get real. You guys make your own conclusions of this.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Enemy of the state?

With so much drama around this President I'm surprised that no one is putting all these things together, after all if it was a Republican in office it would be a vast right wing conspiracy to destroy America. People have no idea whats really going on cause they are to busy tending to their mundane entertainments to stop and read up on whats important, the survival of this country. President Obama promised he would make friends where we previously did not, but what he didnt say is it would be at the cost of friendship to others. Poland and the Czech republic stuff their necks put a bulls eye on their heads by allowing us to put this missle defense infrastructure in their countries and now this president pulls the carpet out from under them.Obama's Missile Offense.
This defense system was supposed to be an early warning system in case Iran or other countries with nuclear capabilities launched. There goes more weaking of American military prowess.
All because he wants to make friends with a country we have been on shaky ground with for the last 70 years. Its not gonna happen. It doesnt start or stop there. Now I'm not one to support foreign trade but you dont mess with the bull without getting the horns.China Condemns U.S. Tariffs on Tires as 'Protectionism ....
This is just dumb considering that China holds almost a trillion dollars of our national debt in the form of Tresury bonds. This means that if China wanted to, they could bankrupt our treasury by cashing in these bonds.

This is serious business. Making enemies with people that you owe money to is not a good idea, especially when its China. Do you really think Russia will stay with this fake friendship once China applies a little pressure with the world largest military force?

Thats not the end of it. Israel, which we have been on good terms with for a long time, has had a real rocky start with this new President.Has Obama Turned on Israel? -
Obama Is Pushing Israel Toward War - WSJ.com.

Is this the way we are gonna start treating friends that wouldve stood with us til the bitter end? If so, then this administration is foolish. Israel is one of the very few democratically driven states in the middle east, because of that and anti semitism almost every country around them want them dead. Abandon these people and you will be responsible if they are attacked by the Muslim countries.

Now, moving on to whats going on internally.

War is war and sadly we are kinda stuck in one but what makes it worse is when our men and women die unnecessarily because of new rules laid out by this administration that left them with no one to back them up when they needed it most.

Obama's Rules Of Engagement In Afghanistan Costing Our Troops Lives

Im not making these things up, you can't. God bless the families of those that have been lost in this war.


My dad always told me birds of a feather flock together. Obama loves his community organizers. doesnt he? lol until they make him look bad.

ACORN scandal explodes, organization suspends operations
These are the people that have been caught in several less than honest situations ranging from voter fraud to the latest scandal. These were Obama's right hand people. They received large ammounts of Federal funding until all their pocketed politicians had to cut ties and run from them to keep from being drug under the tide of scandals Acorn has commited in recent months.

Racist and anti-American.

I know the majority of people that will read this and agree will more than likely be Church attending folks. So, on that note let me ask this, if your minister said things you disagreed with on a regular basis and these were the things instilled in the members of this church, would you attend that Church?
Of course not.Obama's Pastor: God Damn America, U.S. to Blame for 9/11 - ABC News
Is this the kind of Church our President should attend? is this the beliefs that Americans voted for? This pastor preaches hate and disdain against the whites in this country, openly in his pulpit.YouTube - Jeremiah Wright (Barack Obama's Mentor) - Hillary ...

Did he lie about health care?

Of course he did and most of America knows it. Thats why they dont support it. It will increase our spending and deficit. It will increase taxes, On EVERYONE. It will take away your right to manage your own health care. It will ban private insurance companies. It will be given to illegal immigrants. It will ration health care services. AND It will cost people their lives cause they will be waiting in lines for months at a time. Dont take my word for it, just look at Canada. This is how they are doing their health care and Canadians come to America to get health care at times cause they cant get it there.Obama's health plan is no bargain: 4 reasons why - Jun. 11, 2009

You'll lose 5 key freedoms under Obama's health care plan

There it is spelled out, plain and simple.

It has nothing to do with racist reasons, I plain and simple dont like his policies and it seems more and more Americans are waking up to these facts. I sincerly hope that we can turn these problems around cause if we dont our kids will have to pay for it or we may see this great nation that so many of us love fall because of mis-management, and corruption.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who moved the rock? Its not the man, its his policies.

This is in response to
Another so called progressive, Jimmy Carter has decided that he would do what all progressive do best and take us back in time. When is this guy gonna wake up and realize this isn't the 60s and 70s anymore? Just cause people don't agree with you or they live in the south does not make them racist and if you beleive that way then your commiting your gravest of liberal sins, your profiling. We dont need a hack has been ex president( the worst in history in my opinion) running around hate monger and creating division within our great society and for what, cause we dont agree with your excess spending and your socialist ideas of how this country should be run. I say shame on you for over shadowing our first ammendment right to say what we please about this President and his ludacris policy. I for one, am sick of seeing these ex presidents running around the world parading as Unoffficial Ambassadors for the U.S. Give it up, your not President anymore.
Another thing, as Americans are we forgetting who helped pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
It wasn't the democrats. Almost 40% of dems opposed the bill compared to 20% of republicans. So, how has the dems become the party of the minorities when they worked so hard in the 60s to kill civil rights? Has things changed that much? Not really. Now the Dems arent just bashing minorities. Now they think your not smart enough or good enough to do what they think needs to be done so we are gonna force it on you. Good luck on that. People are waking up and if you force these changes you may be in for a rude awakening. Andrew Jackson beleived that revolution and reform was almost mandatory for the survival of this republic.
In closing I leave you with this, stand up and say no to the current Presidents health care plan. It will cover illegal immigrants and thats the truth, Thank you Joe Wilson, you shouldn't have appologized. It will balloon the deficit. It will restrict the rights of people to manage their own health care (You'll lose 5 key freedoms under Obama's health care plan).
If we allow any of these so called reforms to take place it will just set up a landslide of legislation later on that will complete the process of turning health care into a Government run socialist fiasco.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Why call yourselves progressives when your ideas are not new nor do they move us forward.

Every time I hear someone call themselves progressive I die a little on the inside. How can you take 300 plus year old ideas apply them to modern times and call yourself progressive? Do you think it makes you sound intellectual? Socialism is not new. The term was first coined in France in 1827 by Pierre Leroux. Not only is it an old idea but its also been time tested to not work. It gives no incentives to the working class and gives unfair advantage to the welfare class, essentially turning what would be a thriving community into a welfare state. Do you know whats it called when someone tries the same idea over and over again expecting a different outcome? Insane.

Theres much better ways of dealing with the crisis of todays healthcare.
A. Tort reform
This would decrease the cost of malpractice insurance on Doctors which would in turn reduce over head which in turn would reduce the cost to the consumer. This would also factor into lesser premiums to insurance providers because their price of business would also be reduced.
B. Competetion
Allow out of state insurance carriers to provide insurance on a national level. Where theres competition theres lower prices.
C. Take away the right to healthcare to non-citizens. This is a major problem but dont take my word for it. Heres the proof.Rising health care costs put focus on illegal immigrants ...

We as Americans have payed taxes all of our adult life. I cant understand why we are willing to throw away our future for people who have little respect for our laws, borders and take advantage of a system in place to make sure we take care of our own in times of need.

At some point in time we have to stand up and say no more. No more spending on special interests. No more pandering to small groups of people looking for a payday. We have to start making the politicians responsible for what they put into law and for the way they think. This is our country. Government controlled by the masses not by the so called elite few who think they know best. The best way to show you how the politicians feel about us is by showing you this. Baron Hill (IN-09): This Is My Town Hall Meeting. ...

A little about me and why I'm writing this.

I'm 28 years old and live in the great state of Mississippi. I have been studying and watching politics from the sideline since the days of Clinton. I grew up in a small family on a annual yearly income of 15,000 a year and learned early on how to be financially conservative. My values are deep seeded in family tradition, a strong moral compass, and a belief that all men have the ability to know the difference between right and wrong without having to refer to their religious teachings. I'm politically conservative but not necessarily republican, with a twist of libertarian. I believe in small Federal Gov't with empowered local and state governments that are allowed to govern themselves freely with only minor oversight from the Federal level, low tax rates, limited government spending, equal rights for all American citizens, limited welfare, less law making and more common sense.

I decided to start a blog to vent about the things that bother me day to day and week to week in the hopes that maybe the common sense spreads a little bit and some true enlightenment may take place.