Wednesday, December 16, 2009

They really can't stop spending can they?

Everyday now for a while, I read bills the house passes or attempts to and everyday i see millions if not billions of dollars spent alot of times going to the same agencies and bloated organizations.Today is no different! At first when i seen all the struck out portions from the previous revision of this bill, I thought maybe they repealed it, but no, they added more money to it. Today is no different!

Todays bill is H.R. 2847 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010. It will take $15,283,766,000 and spread it out among a few Agencies including one we've seen alot of here lately. Since December 14th, only 2 days, the Minority Business Development Agency and their offshoots have received $1,780,769,000. Do minority businesses need that much help or is this payoff to someones agency for maybe swinging a vote one way or another and if they do need that much help, why is it the governments place to do help them? Thats billions! Furthermore alot of the almost $16 is for salaries, renovation and modernazation of the Herbert Hoover building, NOAA, Communications agencies and loans to fisheries. Over $7 billion is going to The Bureau of Census to "For necessary expenses to collect and publish statistics for periodic censuses and programs provided for by law, $7,065,707,000, to remain available until September 30, 2011: Provided, That none of the funds provided in this or any other Act for any fiscal year may be used for the collection of census data on race identification that does not include `some other race' as a category: Provided further, That from amounts provided herein, funds may be used for additional promotion, outreach, and marketing activities.". Marketing, promotion, and outreach, really? These people cant be serious. What marketing, promoting or outreach can the census bureau really be doing?

Its all Garbage in my opinion.
Its Garbage that wont stop until we stop it.
Join me in the fight. Info is the the enemy. The more people know the more dangerous we become. Call your representatives. The pressure is on and the liberals are already falling out of the races.

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