Friday, September 18, 2009

Lets take a step back in time.

You know, I'm amazed at the political crap thats spewing out of the lefts mouth these days. Charges of racism and hatred. Charges of some unseen personal vendetta that conservatives have for President Obama. The outburst by Joe Wilson made me think back to times of seeing the disrespect and flat out lies that the left spewed forth in the Liberal media about Former President Bush . With all the waste of time in Congress to milk the Joe Wilson bit for all its worth and waste my hard earned tax dollars. Whats the difference here? Joe heckeled your guy, the entire Democrat side of the aisle Boo'd and heckled bush on not 1 but 2 occasions. Once in 2004 in his state of the union address when he called for renewal of the patriot act and then again in 2005 when he spoke to a joint session of congress about the crisis with Social security(which is still in crisis).
Oh, and who could forget the incident with Dem. Rep. Pete stark oc california calling Bush a liar not once but twice and saying Bush was amused with seeing our soldiers have their heads blown off. If you dont beleive the hipocrisy on capital just take a look at this!

Hypocrisy Alert: Dem Rep. Pete Stark Called Bush Liar On House Floor... Twice (Video)

Now, what did the congress do about that. They voted against a call for censurship of Mr. stark.
Why wasnt there a call for every democrat to be punished in 2005 like they did Joe wilson. My opinion is, the republicans normally take the heat gracefully and face those accusations. The Democrats are like 5 year olds who stand around pointing fingers yelling "He made fun of me and called me names". Get real. You guys make your own conclusions of this.

1 comment:

  1. Wilson called the President and apologized for his outburst, which the President accepted. The motion to condemn Wilson came from pressure from the Congressional Black Caucus, with Congressman Jim Clyburn (from Wilson's neighboring district) leading the charge against Wilson. Hank Johnson of Georgia insisted that Wilson invoked racism with his statement. By their actions, I must conclude that it is now considered racism to call a black man a liar.
