Thursday, December 17, 2009

Barrack Obama. A years end review!

So the U.S. House of representatives adjourned until Dec. 19th, leaving me with nothing to talk about on that front. so.....Ill take a look at our esteemed Fuhrer, Barrack Obama.

Hope and change or Hoax and chains? What has Obama done since January?

All I heard from the blacks I worked with is how he was gonna make their lives better and from the blobs of useless gas espelling sludge(white liberals) was the fact that "If you dont vote for Obama, your racist" and how "great it would be to have some hope and change". Now when I walk by them I ask "Hows that Hope and Change working out for ya?". I usually get the evil eye of doom from them and I just say "Hey, you voted for him, you deal with it!". But enough of what I think of our first"black" muslim lying liberal socialist ethically bankrupt non citizen scumbag of a president. what has he really done? and beleive me, alot of this will shock you.

In january alone he: Signed executive order to close gitmo within the year, same day he outlawed coercive interogation techniques, reverses the Mexico City Policy, ending the ban of public funding for overseas organizations that sponsor abortions, thus funneling millions of our tax dollars to Africa and other nations in order to pay for the murder of unborn children
, his very first taped television interview…to Al Arabya…where he pledges our commitment to amend our relations with the Arab community and repair our image in the Islamic community
, signs into law his first bill, the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, adding one more federal law that limits an employers right to pay an employee what they are willing to work for,
launches yet another website propaganda movement. This one is called the Middle Class Working Families Task Force. I seem to remember Hitler doing something simple with his middle class work force.
Then in february he began again with:he nominates Republican Senator Judd Gregg as Commerce Secretary…since his first guy resigned under investigation of “pay to play” activities,
announces that companies partaking in the TARP funds must cap executive salaries at $500k/year…(I guess they forgot about bonus capping, huh),
signs the CHIP bill, expanding government funded health care for children…a bill sponsored by Republican Senator Olympia Snowe…the same Olympia Snowe that several days later announced her intended support of the $787 Billion Stimulus Package…the same $787 Billion Stimulus Bill that Obama promised would be available for public review for no less than 5 days before voted on…yes, the same bill that passed with not a single member of Congress reading a word of it, amazing huh?,
creates the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board, whatever that is, and issues an EO backing the use of union labor for large-scale federal construction projects. More payback for the unions…more punishment for the non-union private sector,
Senator Judd Gregg, Obama’s nominee for the office of Commerce Secretary, withdraws his nomination for that office on the basis that he strongly disagrees with the President’s economic agenda and therefore could not serve in support of it, ROFL!!!!,
travels to Denver to sign into law the $787 BILLION Stimulus package…the same one that American’s strongly opposed, starts the process to repeal or modify a midnight rule imposed by Bush, that would protect health workers who refuse for moral reasons to perform certain medical procedures…ie. abortions,
Secretary of State Clinton pledges $900 million of humanitarian and development aid to the Gaza Strip in order to help them rebuild their Palestinian territory under Hamas…the terrorist organization that repeatedly fires rockets into Israel and publicly calls for the destruction of the Israeli nation(im sure it wasnt all her idea),
also Kansas Governor, Kathleen Sebelius (a vocal advocate for heath care providers who perform late term abortions…meaning up to the 9th month) is appointed to the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services, restores a provision of the Endangered Species Act requiring that federal agencies consult the United States Fish and Wildlife Service and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service before taking actions that could harm endangered species.
Does anyone else see the irony in this? Fight to save the polar bears…kill the babies?,
issues a memorandum limiting the possibility to grant no-bid contracts to private businesses. Just another nail in the coffin for the non-union, non-government sector,
overturns rules limiting federal money being used for human embryonic stem cell research. So now we can not only pay for overseas abortions with our tax dollars, we can fund the creation of human embryos for the sole purpose of destroying them!,
loses another team member when Chas Freeman withdraws from his appointment as chairman of the National Intelligence Council. How many is that…I’ve lost count,
signs the Omnibus Appropriations Act of 2009 (aka the Porkubus Bill), a federal budget ammendment containing more than 9000 earmarks…the same earmarks that he promised to veto during his campaign. Add another $410 Billion to the deficit,
Department of Justice outlines a new legal standard for detaining the suspected terrorists held at Guantanamo; “enemy combatant” definition is dropped, and suspects shall be detained under international law. So, now we call them …??? And we put them…??, appears on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno where he likens his pitiful bowling skills to those of the Special Olympics…a comment in which a formal apology was issued even before the show aired,
releases a YouTube video message to Iran in celebration of Nowrus, the Iranian New Year holiday cause they are our friends you know,
Obama and Biden meet with former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in Washington. Um…did they need some pointers?, considered asking Congress to give the Treasury secretary, tax cheating Timothy Geithner, unprecedented powers to initiate the seizure of non-bank financial companies, such as large insurers, investment firms and hedge funds, who the government deems “too big to fail”,

Lets skip forward cause this Could get really long if i keep going!

Just recently he: helped change the rules of engagement in afghanistan that got Americans soldiers killed when they couldnt get air support...thats one way to stop the war,
pushed and pushed for health care plans that were costly unconstitutional unfair socialist and would force un financed mandate on already struggling states and people,
gave billions to Brazil to drill for oil, rather than just ask half of Texas to just turn the well pumps back on "Please!",
released a memo stating he would send a letter to Kim jong ill about his nuclear program, maybe they can be pen pals LOL, passes cap and trade"Starve and tax" bill that will raise cost of energy on a already struggling America,
raised the debt ceiling to nearly 13 TRILLION DOLLARS and he says that banks and citizens are irresponsible lenders and borrowers, maybe he needs a mirror?
attempts to indoctrinate millions of kids with his school video campaign, same thing Hitler did with Nazi propaganda
has surrounded himslef with "czars" that only 10% of them are actual experts in the fields they are to head, the rest are just socialist scum their to make him feel at home,
finally decides to send more troops to speed up the process in Afghanistan but then gives a time line of when we will leave, I can hear it now echoing through the caves in the Afghani mountains in a arab dialect "HA We will just wait 18 months",
decided it would be a good thing to bring the planners of 9/11 to the site of their greatest acheivement to stand trial with the same liberties that we as American citizens enjoy, WITHOUT even asking NYPD and other agencies in the area if they had security concerns,
decided to transfer detainees from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to a prison in Illinois cause they couldnt possibly get away and do damage to us again,
other than all these things, and I know I missed a few, he has repeatedly lied about many different things, alot of which I named previously. Did he do anything good for our Nation and its people? Not that I've seen. I just hope that our great nation can survive long enough to get rid of him and his garbage.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Little known facts about Christmas!

Every year Christians are faced with the tearing down of one of our major Holidays, Christmas! Some say its a pagan Holiday while others say "Well, thats not the true birth time of Christ!". So lets look at actual fact and by the time we are through, it should be no problem to understand why we celebrate Christmas when we do.

By historical and Bible accounts, Christ would've been born sometime in the spring. March or April would be likely. The Bible speaks of Sheperds being on nightwatch. They only did this once a year and it was during springtime or what was then known as lambing season, the one time of the year that sheep give birth.

Early Churches did'nt celebrate Christmas at all. They focused more on the life, crucifixion, and resurrection of Christ rather than his birth. Christmas did'nt become a widely celebrated holiday until the time of Emperor Constantine 336 A.D, when Christianity was declared the favored religion of the roman empire. It took the place of other pagan and a otherwise normal seasonal holiday to mark the date of the winter solstice. When Churches did start celebrating Christmas there was a problem. Priests found it innapropriate to celebrate Christ birth around the same time that they would be celebrating Easter, so therefore found it more fitting to agree with the Roman's Christmas day of celebrating. Early Christians adopted the bringing indoors of an evergreen tree from the Roman's during winter and so evergreens and their decorations became symbolic of the ever living of Christ.

Christs birth date would've have also fell during the major plating season for most grains and food plants, which was a hectic time of year until modern machinery made it possible to accomplish in a few days rather than weeks, which wouldve deterred many people from celebrating a major holiday. Remember also, Spring would just be starting and the food supplies wouldve been low being that several major holidays for people during that time wouldve called for feasting.

All it takes is a little deep thought and study to see why we celebrate CHristmas when we do.

Lets not forget the real reason we celebrate though. Christ, our Lord and savior.
Lets fight to keep God in our Schools and Government!

They really can't stop spending can they?

Everyday now for a while, I read bills the house passes or attempts to and everyday i see millions if not billions of dollars spent alot of times going to the same agencies and bloated organizations.Today is no different! At first when i seen all the struck out portions from the previous revision of this bill, I thought maybe they repealed it, but no, they added more money to it. Today is no different!

Todays bill is H.R. 2847 Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010. It will take $15,283,766,000 and spread it out among a few Agencies including one we've seen alot of here lately. Since December 14th, only 2 days, the Minority Business Development Agency and their offshoots have received $1,780,769,000. Do minority businesses need that much help or is this payoff to someones agency for maybe swinging a vote one way or another and if they do need that much help, why is it the governments place to do help them? Thats billions! Furthermore alot of the almost $16 is for salaries, renovation and modernazation of the Herbert Hoover building, NOAA, Communications agencies and loans to fisheries. Over $7 billion is going to The Bureau of Census to "For necessary expenses to collect and publish statistics for periodic censuses and programs provided for by law, $7,065,707,000, to remain available until September 30, 2011: Provided, That none of the funds provided in this or any other Act for any fiscal year may be used for the collection of census data on race identification that does not include `some other race' as a category: Provided further, That from amounts provided herein, funds may be used for additional promotion, outreach, and marketing activities.". Marketing, promotion, and outreach, really? These people cant be serious. What marketing, promoting or outreach can the census bureau really be doing?

Its all Garbage in my opinion.
Its Garbage that wont stop until we stop it.
Join me in the fight. Info is the the enemy. The more people know the more dangerous we become. Call your representatives. The pressure is on and the liberals are already falling out of the races.

New debt Ceiling! What our children will be paying back!

Just so everyone knows the $ Amount our next generations will have to pay for the sins of this Administration.


H. R. 4314

To permit continued financing of Government operations.


December 15, 2009

Mr. RANGEL introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Ways and Means


To permit continued financing of Government operations.

    Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


    Subsection (b) of section 3101 of title 31, United States Code, is amended by striking the dollar amount contained therein and inserting `$12,394,000,000,000'.

Its short but devastating. More borrowing. More inflation. More Garbage!
I think the Government might need to shut down for a while. Maybe if they go without a paycheck, like so many Americans are having to, they may be a little more prudent when they come back
Its all Garbage in my opinion.
Its Garbage that wont stop until we stop it.
Join me in the fight. Info is the the enemy. The more people know the more dangerous we become. Call your representatives. The pressure is on and the liberals are already falling out of the races.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Interventionist Garbage!

I'm amazed how much garbage really gets put through the House and passes. Today Adam Schiff, a Democrat from California's 29th District introduced H.R. 3714 Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act of 2009, a amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961. Now I understand that when you use Daniel pearl's(was beheaded by insurgents)name, its gonna invoke some emotion, but I think this is for the wrong cause. What this amendment will do is "To amend the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 to include in the Annual Country Reports on Human Rights Practices information about freedom of the press in foreign countries, establish a grant program to promote freedom of the press worldwide, and for other purposes." In other words its gonna look at countries Freedom of Press rights, create a grant fund and pay those countries off that does what we want them to with our tax money.

First and foremost, this is none of our business. Its up to a Countries Government or its people to secure Freedom of Press rights in their own country. We have no business telling other sovereign nations what they cannot do and establish consequences or rewards for their Human rights. Not to be cold hearted but, these journalist know the risks of reporting from a wartime country. This bill is more globalist garbage meant to give money away to other countries worldwide.

Second. We are in a recession. Conservative states are cutting spending to stay a float. Why does the Federal Government(and California) feel it necessary to make these kind of Laws now when the national debt is rediculously inflated because of garbage just like this bill.

These Liberal scumbags are doing exactly what they have done for years. Throw money at everything(including their own pockets) and thinks it will fix every problem in the world. It doesn't fix anything.

Monday, December 14, 2009

More House spending?

Dec. 14th, 2009.

$147,085,000 was appropriated today by Congress. H.R. 3288 entitled Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010 (Reported in House) Apropriated large sums of money to Office of the Secretary all the way down the list to The Office of Transportation Secretary for salaries. This bill also frees $147,569,000 allocated to the Department of Transportation and uses it for minority business resource center program,minority business outreach, and to subsidize Airline industries.

When are they gonna stop paying themselves, their cronies and subsidizing private corporations in a time of deep recession?